Sunday 28 February 2021

Project Backlog, Part 5

Silver Tower: Ogroid Thaumaturge

Combining bestial strength and ferocity with dark occult powers, the Ogroid Thaumaturge is a cunning and deadly foe. With snarled invocations the Thaumaturge hurls roiling blasts of energy into the enemy ranks, before stampeding into the midst of his reeling foes to gore and pummel the survivors to bloody ruin.

I wanted the Ogroid Thaumaturge to match the Tzaangors I painted in 2016. This meant blue skin, purple armour and mane and yellow tabard. What I needed to do, was getting its base to match the Shattered Dominion ones I'm using for the other Silver Tower models. I didn't want to buy a whole box of 40mm and 50mm bases just for one model, so I scratch built a base using some cardboard.

Using a 40mm base as guide, I cut a circle of cardboard which I then broke into smaller pieces. These were then glued onto the model's 50mm base after assembling. It turned out 40mm was too much and I trew away some of the cardboard. Next time I have to do something similar, I'll go for a shape 2 measures smaller than the base I'm using for the model. A skull and some textured paint completed the base.

I've tried to have the skin going from dark blue on the back to pale blue on the chest. While I didn't exactly get the transition I was hoping for, I'm still happy with the final result.

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