Monday 24 June 2019

Tor Megiddo: Ferrugo Pass, Part 7

The Custodians of the Gate

And though the journey through the Barrens had been long and bloody, at the Gate finally came the Purebred. There the Rustmen stood guard, cog whirring and pistons hissing. And behind them lay the Keys that by sacred words only could be opened. For with invisible forces had the Skull-Cog sealed Ferrugo Pass, where the broken Tors lie.

The First Day

On either side at the Pass mouth the Purebred and Anomaly Protocol advanced, the dusty rocks their shield against each others' weapons.

Forward moved the Rustmen to protect the Keys.

To pledge with Sumpcrawler went Great Father Arun and Mahela. But rage overtook Warfather Dez and he set Snapper on the trail of the Anomaly Protocol.

Hailing the Sentinel, the Anomaly Protocol advanced. But from their fellow servants of the Tors no answer came.

And across the Keys stomped Servitor GH-0u1 and Old Boilerplate, lesser among the Custodians but nonetheless devoted to the Tors behind.

And as GH-0u1 opened fire on the Anomaly Protocol, by the gun of Old Boilerplate was Snapper halted.

And Sumpcrawler heard the pleas of Arun and Mahela. The way through the Keys it opened. But too fast on its mechanical leg he went for the Purebred to follow.

Back turned the Vulture and still stood the Sentinel, their gaze upon Old Boilerplate both turned. And answering the silent order, it opened fire. For Mahela, Arun took a bullet, but strong he was and did not fall.

Up the slopes walked the Sentinel and the Vulture turned to GH-0u1, to send it forth against the Purebred. But crazed with bloodlust was the servitor and at the Anomaly Protocol it kept firing .

And up against Old Boilerplate went the Purebred, for only it now barred their way.

To cover their brethern Decima and Hastun and Gudget stood. And in the crossfire both GH-0u1 and Dez fell.

And as the day drew to a close, into the Keys Daktov spoke the sacred words. Through the Gate was the Anomaly Protocol and back to their camp had the Purebred to return.

The Second Day

Upon sunrise, the tribesmen and Eshelon at his side, with Sumpcrawler again Arun plead.

And proud of their victory on the Barrens, the Disciples of the Black came to the Vulture, them too seeking entrance to Ferrugo Pass.

But across the Keys came the Sentinel, Old Boilerplate and the Dragon at its side, for the way forward to bar.

From Sumpcrawler a stream of sound came. And in it, Eshelon heard the sacred words. Fast he rode for the Keys and with him went Kurk.

Away from Sumpcrawler turned Great Father Arun to strike at the Dragon. Ready was trusted Yash to fight with his chief and not far was Larg.

But devious are the Disciples of the Black, and in the back their sniper shot the Great Father.

At the Dragon Yash and Larg hacked to protect their chieftain. Its metal hide they ruptured, but great was the Rustman's fury. Soon next to Arun they laid.

Over the rocks stomped the major Rustmen and at the Disciples raged Old Boilerplate.

And from shock recovered Kurk to charge at the Dragon and exact revenge.

But this too, the Disciples denied the Purebred. With plasma they took off the Dragon.

Tied in combat was Old Boilerplate as to one Key Lady Meth offered blessed prometheum. And for the Disciples of the Black, the Gate opened.

But unseen across smoke and dust, to the furthest Key came Eshelon. And though greatly they had suffered on that day, did the Purebred cross onto Ferrugo Pass where the broken Tors lie.

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