Sunday 11 April 2021

The Scouring of Pale Gorge, Part 4

Many Meetings

Steve stared into the fire, his expression lost as he recalled the pain. The woodsmen waited, holding their breath.
'And then?' asked the Shyishian Trade Pioneer, thrusting a freshly filled tankard into Steve's hands.
The halfling blinked, took a long sip of ale and resumed his story.
'I was drifting between Ghyran and Shyish... my soul was. I remember being carried on an improvised stretcher, Kalyustar ahead and Rodrik at the back. And Kalyustar hold a strange lantern in front of him. It bathed the woods in a spectral glow.

The next thing I remember is a bow stretched in front of us and grinning skulls staring down at me. And a voice, like the rustling of dried leaves. "You bring an evil light into our Glade, wizard" it said.

Then, I came to my senses in one of the halls of the Forest Spirits. A Tree Revenant stood next to me, her hand outstretched.
"It is done" she said. "Rest, Steve of Venythia, for you have come close to threading the path to Shyish. And you, Captain Rodrik, go with my guards and feed, for it is not to be said that Gnarlroot Glade has no gratitude for those that fight the enemies of our lands."

"You, Kalyustar of the Gilded Hand, come, for I, Yltriana Grimroot, much desire to know from you".
They moved away from the bed of greenery where I laid, but I could still hear their voices.

"You carry a heavy burden, manling. Tell me what it is".
"I... I have been touched by something, Lady Yltriana. Early in our travel, I brought back Rodrik, like you brought back Steve..."
"He speaks to you, doesn't he?"
"Yes... with a voice cold and harsh, like the wind of Everdusk. And he whispers that Death is next".
"And in this, he is not lying, for the following season is indeed that of Death. But do not fall for his treachery. There is no true power in Death alone, but only in the eternal cycle of the Realms, as the Everqueen teaches us. And after Death comes Rebirth, so that balance is restored. Look at us, we do carry emblems of death, but to remind ourselves of what we have to cross before life comes again".
I then slipped again into a deep sleep. For a few more days we stayed with the Fay People. During that time, I didn't see much of Kalyustar or Yltriana, as the two spent nearly all their time away from the rest of us. When I was fully restored, we resumed our hunt.

It didn't take long to trace the minions of the 'Eadsplitta again and soon we were faced by some Ironjawz and their grot underlings.

We moved where we could shoot at the Ardboyz, knowing that if we could rout them, the grots would loose any fighting spirit. Alas, the first salvo was not enough and we found ourselves crossing blades with the grots.

As always, they were not much of a problem for the three of us, but they pinned us in place while the Ardboyz advanced.

They charged at Rodrik and though he put up quite a fight, they dragged him down.

Kalyustar summoned his bolts of eldritch force and created a hopening that allowed us to put some distance from the Ardboyz.

But they were fast and caught up with me before I could notch an arrow. I'm sure they'd have killed me if Kalyustar had not blasted another one and hold the boss while I dragged myself away.

Then the song of the Fay People came from where Rodrik had fallen and that spooked the Arboy boss.

We rushed back and found Rodrick surrounded by a Branchwych and her retinue.

"Fear not!" she said "He is alive. But my Lady Yltriana asks you pay a price for her healing of the halfling".
Kalyustar made to protest, but the Branchwych cut him short.
"Remember the cycle we are all bound to. Rebirth and life lead to death, and from death will come rebirth again. At the end of seven years we'll return your friend to you, your debt paid in full. And as a token of our good will, we gift you a Greenglade Flask. It will keep you strong in your fighting. Farewell, Venythian Rovers".
And suddenly, they disappeared with Rodrik, as if they had never been there. Only their song lingered under the trees for a while.
And I think, amidst those harmonies, I heard Kalyustar murmuring "This is too high a price"'.


The Venythian Rovers

Exploration rolls: 11 - Threat Level: 5 - Map Fragments: 0 - Spectral Lanterns: 0 - Battles Won: 5
Kalyustar of the Gilded Hand (Archmage, from Grand Alliance: Order): Realmblood (Ghyran Spell), Master of Defence (Order Trait). Wounds suffered: 3 - Enemies killed: 22
Captain Rodrik (Freeguild General, from Grand Alliance: Order): Tenacious (Order Trait). Wounds suffered: 6, DEAD - Enemies killed: 27
Steve Boffin, restored by Sylvaneth magic (Huntmarshal, from The Empire Compendium): Greenglade Flask (Artefact of Ghyran). Wounds suffered: 4 - Enemies killed: 1

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