Tuesday 4 October 2022

The Prowling Forest, Part 1


"Now what, chief?" Barag asked, lazily picking a piece of gristle from his teeth and flinging it away.
Skargat's reply was announced by a thunderous belch followed by Cargo's rumbling laughter of appreciation.
"That Bleed thing has dried out all right. So no way back to Chamon. But there's plenty of loot and food to have in these Scarlands, don't you think?"
"Aye, capt'in!" came Cargo's reply, grog dripping from his chin. "And those orruk messing around are good sport too! What's their name? Cleavermaws and Swordfyshes, in'it? Poor sailors, though!"
"You tell me that, Cargo! Sailing never been my thing. Much more for a good treck myself. And treck we will! Have you heard of the Prowling Forest?"
"That hungry forest grown around some old human city?" asked Barag.
"That's the one! I sent the gnoblars to do a bit of exploring there. They've found a nice gorge where we can set up our larder, just on the edges of the Forest".
"And then? Who's there to hire us, Skargat?" Barag asked in disbelief.
"Nobody. The big cat turned into some kind of lizard, the sneaky orruk went back to his paymasters and the stunties' city has taken back to the sky. So we start our little Mawpath and grab what we want for ourselves".
"Freebooting, eh?" chuckled Cargo.
Laughters and burps came as a reply from both Barag and Skargat as the three ogors loudly resumed their feast.

After a bout of Open Play while waiting for the release of the second edition of Warcry, Saul and I are ready to start a new campaign. We decided to play it out of the book, each of us picking Quests and then building the story as we play game, rather than having a plot to flash out through the games like our previous ones. The only change we are making is locating our adventures in the Prowling Forest rather thn in the Gnarlwood. This will link our story to the aftermath of the last Animosity campaign.
I had tried both the Arcanites of Tzeentch and Ogor Mawtribes warbands in those Open Play games and really enjoyed the Ogor Mawtribes, so I painted a few gnoblars to have more list building options.
Here they are, the Ironforged, infamous ogor mercenaries from Chamon, now stranded in Ghur, and their gnoblar attendants.

Skargat Brainglut, the Tyrant. Heroic Trait: Resourceful

From the left: Cargo and Barag, the Maneaters

From the left: Growt, Hrothgur Bloodgulper, Marg: Gluttons with two clubs and Crusher

The Explorers, gnoblar scouts. From the left: Finga, Skreecha, Watcha

The Manbiters, gnoblar warriors. From the left: Poka, Basha, Sneeka

The Raiders, gnoblar plunderers. From the left: Burna, Loota

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