More Skrapjunkyz, WIP
I have converted the remaining 7 orks from Shadow War: Armageddon, which brings the Skrapjunkyz to 14 members, a solid Kill Team roster with plenty of choices.
I've added a Kommando Scout specialist using the Burna Boy head munching on a cigar. I cliped off the circlet where the welding mask should be attached and then covered the damaged area with a greenstuff cap. The pointing arm is made with the only outstreched arm from the boyz kit, with a hand from the old multipart Night Goblins. The binocular in his left hand comes from the Space Marine Scout Snipers with an extra sight attached to it.
The gun on the back is from the old Space Marine Bike Squadron box, the cutta from the Boyz kit and the pouches from various Imperial kits. And if you think that the model reminds of Sergeant Apone from Aliens, you won't be wrong. Although, I have to be honest, I hadn't planed that. I just realised it once the sculpting was done.
I've also made two more Kommandos, again done using heads from the Burna Boyz. I gave both of them axes and bayonets on their sluggas, all from the Boyz kit. The axe on the left model comes from the outstretched arm on the Scout, while the slugga on the right model has been slightly tilted, as if hold level while advancing.
Their backpacks are done again with Imperial pouches, the rolled blankets from the Space Marine Scout Snipers and spades and canisters from Imperial Guard kits.
These two boyz are the closest rendition of the art that inspired the whole team. Their kustom shootas have barrels from the Sentinel Autocannon and the Land Raider Crusader Hurricane Bolter. I had to file them until they were they same width as the shoota body and then covered the joint with greenstuff, sculpted as wrapping. Each shoota also has an additional magazine: on the right, from on old plastic boltgun. On the left, it's part of the ammo belt from the Heavy Shoota, while the original sickle magazine was glued on the side of the weapon.
The shoulder plates are from the Boyz kit and the backpacks are greenstuff wrapped around metal wire and cut-off bits. Unlike the ork in the art, they wear helmets, and that's because I wanted to differentiate the Boyz from the Kommandos, none of which wears a helmet.
And finally, I've made a Boy with Rokkit Launcha and a Burna Boyz. They are both straight out of the box, except that the body of the Burna Boy comes from the Boyz kit. From the front, their bases are hidden by their weapons, so they are the only models that have not received random bits to represent scrap strewn on the battlefield.