Friday 10 July 2020

Tor Megiddo: The Exile - Part 1


When the Warhammer Community team published the Necomunda solo scenario The Hunt, I had a go with it, using the gang roster for the Purebred as they were at the end of Oil & Blood, our first Tor Megiddo campaign. I took some pictures, thinking of posting a battle report, but then I realised that I had no story to tell.

What had happened after the end of our second campaign, Ferrugo Pass? How had the Purebred stumbled upon GH-0u1? Were they again fighting inside the Couldron or somewhere else?

As I was asking myself these questions and I was re-reading the Necromunda rules, ideas for a solo campaign started to flow, centred around the Purebred journey through the sands of Tor Megiddo after being banished from the Yaike Yaike Elders.

Now I've a story, but I've not yet played the games that will help me tell it. Luckly, just before we all went into lockdown, Saul had left all his terrains and warbands at my place as he was moving house. Needless to say it, everything is still at mine. So, over the next few weeks a new chapter in the Purebred saga will be added to the annals of Tor Megiddo!

You can see the rules and sketch of the story I have developed so far here: I'll re-add the link to future posts, so you can easily follow the rules development and get the scenarios for yourself.

In the meantime, I'll let you feast your eyes on the picture of the Armies on Parade board we collectively entered at the Manchester Warhammer Store in October 2019.

Except for the Ashtown Wasters, which we could not pick up from Ade, and the Slipgibbets, which Saul decided to leave home as they had their 15 minutes of fame on White Dwarf, every one that appeared in our campaigns was crammed on the board!

Dave even made the flying machine especially for the event. I just hope we can soon use it in a full blown campaign!

And, if you were wondering, we racketed up quite a few prizes for it!

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