Wednesday 22 May 2019

Tor Megiddo: Ferrugo Pass, Part 1


And away the Rustmen went, back to the Broken Mountains, heedless of the dust storms that strip the flesh off Man and Beast. Nor Warleader nor Tech-wytche knew who saw them going. And yet, as Red Wind left once again, the Great Gathering heard of the Rustmen heading for Ferrugo Pass where the broken Tors lie.
Of the Promethean Tower, there was no more talk. There the Slipgibbets had spent Red Wind to claim their war rights and at the gates of the Valley of Defilement only a stripped down hulk remained. And Arun of the Purebred raged at that and prepared for a war of vengeance.
But then Mahela spoke.
"Great Father, the Mutant has had its fill, let it enjoy the Flesh Barons' charred left overs. Richer pickings await us. For it is said in the Book of Da-Ar-Vin that were the Rustmen go, the Skull-Cog will reward those that follow".
And Great Father Arun saw that the Keeper of the Flesh was wise. To the Warfathers, the Brothers and the Blemished he turned and ordered to make ready.
So it was that the Purebred left the Great Gathering and out over the Scorched Plain they went. To the Broken Mountains and to Ferrugo Pass where the broken Tors lie.

This visit to Tor Megiddo came way before I was expecting it. I was toying with the idea of converting the retinue of a Flesh Baron, but didn't even get to the stage of starting to talk with my gaming mates to nail down the concept. So, that project has been ditched, for now, and I'll be using the Purebred again.
However, this time we are using Kill Team rather than Necromunda, so I had to work out how to represent them rule-wise. Since we had agreed to allow Open Play selection for our Combat Rosters and Kill Teams, I looked for profiles that could best match the nature of the various characters in the warband.
The Purebred males are all tough and brutish and during the previous campaing showed a propensity for close combat and horrible aim, unless they could loose a steady stream of bullets. That, to me, meant Ork Boyz.
In comparison, Eshelon the Rider and Mahela the Keeper of the Flesh are far more frail, and Eshelon was by far the best shot in the gang, so for them I decided to use Astra Militarum Guardsmen.
For Snapper the Dusthound, luckly, the rules for Kroot Mercenaries in White Dwarf provided profiles for Kroot Hounds, so that was an easy match as well.
What was left to do, was matching models to Specialisms, especially for those that were Champions under Necromunda rules and for Eshelon. After all, the fact that he rides a mutated horse deserves being represent, no? Here is the resulting Combat Roster I'll be using during the campaign.

Great Father Arun: Ork Boy Boss Nob with Slugga and Big Choppa, Leader, 12 pts.
Warather Jax: Ork Boy Gunner with Big Shoota, Heavy, 7 pts.
Warfather Dez: Ork Burna Boy, Zealot, 12pts.
Snapper the Dusthound: Kroot Hound, 6pts.
Larg the Tribesman: Ork Boy with Shoota, 6 pts.
Yash the Blemished: Ork Boy with Slugga and Choppa, 6pts.
Kurk the Blemished: Ork Boy with Slugga and Choppa, 6pts
Eshelon the Rider: Guardsman, Scout, 5pts
Mahela, Keeper of the Flesh: Sergeant, Medic, 5pts
Total: 9 members, 65pts.

Since we have set our games at 50 points, I have plenty of options when it comes to choosing the Kill Team. They have already seen some action, and you can read Saul's version of the story here. Mine will come shortly.

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