Monday, 22 April 2019

Shadowflames Reinforcements, Part 2

Viserhyx's Shadowkin Stalkers

The Shadowkin that served Laelanyel as her soldiery were chosen among those showing the strongest affinity with the shadows and mist of Ulgu. Not simply able to pierce Ulgu's shroud with their keen eyes, they could merge with it, their bodies turning into a dense, swirling fog. Any interloper in Laelanyel's kingdom would found themselves arrased by flitting shadows, long hafted arrows raining on them from unexpected directions. And if any was able to pinpoint where the attackers hid, they soon found themselves surrounded by masked, black-skinned aelfs whose vicious miststeel blades were as deadly as their arrows. Ever since Laelanyel's departure, they broke up into small roving warbands. Whether exacting their revenge on the servants of Chaos, robbing Sigmar's faithfuls foolishly exploring Ulgu, hunting the tribes of Gorkamorka for sport or chasing undead processions, they still await for Laelanyel's return and the day when they will reconquer their lost lands.

I kept the colour palette the same I've used on Laelanyel and Drevakh Xosh, with black skin, white hair, grey fog and purplish metal. Since the Tree-revenants have tatoos and ritual markings sculpted on them, I've added touches of purple on them too, to further hints at the Shadowkin's connection with the magical energies of Ulgu.

Viserhyx, the Shadow-walker

Narlek Swiftblade




Not only I'm really happy with how they turned out, I was also able to finish them just in time for the final game of Spellbreakers at Realm's Edge! So, stay tuned to see them in action...

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