Thursday 11 April 2019

Spellbreakers at Realm's edge, Part 11

The Duskhaven Carnage

The mist hung heavy on Duskhaven, turning the distant light of Hysh into a pale, milky white. Darker shapes flittered through the ruined buildings, murmuring lies and half truths. Laelanyel waved them away. As much as she would have loved to listen to Ulgu's voices, time was of the essence. There, in that ruined city, she had to enact the first part of the long ritual that would have returned her palace to her. The derelict Wizard's Mansion sat on a crucial node on the Realm's faylines and it was there that the Caengans were escorting her.

On the edge of town, the Erebusia Gate pulsed, scattering a clutch of shadegheists away. The Cleavermaws stepped into Duskhaven's gloom, green sparks fizzling around Mogrum's head and silencing his crew's mutterings.

The briny waters of the harbour bubbled, revealing the Sunken Gate and the Gloomfen Hunters came to protect their territory.

The Hunters advanced quickly, loosing a hail of arrows that fell Engrin. A winged she-aelf plunged screaming on Tark and darted away before Aef-Grimnir could retaliate.

The Cleavermaws cheered as they broke onto the square outside the Wizard's Mansion and saw the Fyreslayers fell.

Purplish will-o-wisps fled from the square as the three warband faced each other.

The Gloomfen Hunters launched a concerted attack. The Melusai and Kinerai charged under a covering salvo of arrows and a clutch of orruks fell before the Khainites reached their lines. The Blood Sister that slithered her way to Aef-Grimnir found the Runefather's axe waiting for her.

Mogrum blasted ghostly green fires at Durbak and Laelanyel. The Berserker fell, leaving the Saih open for the orruk charge. On the other side of the Wizard's Mansion, their mates ganged up on the Melusai.

Aef-Grimnir roared his war cry and fell upon the orruks surrounding Laelanyel.

A thunderous explosion from the ogor's gun sent the aelf and duardin scrambling for cover, giving Mogrum and his lads the chance to secure the Wizard's Mansion.

Laelanyel screamed in frustration, her anger giving form to the Tidecaster's fears.

Then she and Aef parted to engage the orruks.

The Hunter's Reavers run to avenge the fall of their leader. Loosing arrows as they charged, they fell on the embattled Aef-Grimnir and took him out.

Laelanyel and Mogrum battled it out among scattered books and broken vials. The Weirdnob grinned through the Saih's barrage of solid illusions and in response leached away some of her life essence. His bladed staff lashed out sending the aelf sprawling on the floor. The brute prised the screamshawed bone hanging from Laelanyel's belt and booted her unconscious body down.

The Reavers loosed point blank on the orruk holding them and leapt up to face Mogrum.

From the broken flagstones where she was laying, battered and bruised, Laelanyel saw Mogrum dispatching the two Idoneth. The screamshawed bone clutched in his meaty fist, haloes of orange, purple and grey energy swirling around him, Mogrum bellowed in triumph.

Her hopes to reclaim her ancestral home dashed, Laelanyel felt a surge of hate mounting inside her. The orruk would squeal for the rest of his miserable life, she just needed a little more time...

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