The Thief of Wits contemplated the results of its schemes about the Prime Dominion of Hysh. He had not secured the map that would have taken it to the Umbral Web, that was true. Still, Alti's maddened plan had come to the result the Changer of Ways always wanted. The Ur-River had bursted its banks,weakening the barriers between Realms. But now, something was interfeering with the Architect of Fate's Great Scheme.
For too long had the Twisted Oak of the Harromark shackled aetheric energies that Tzeentch wanted loose at precisely the same time as parts of Ghur and Chamon bleeded into each other. And just when the Rotmoons and the Cursed Company were close to fight for it, Alarielle had sent her followers to keep the Oak safe from predation. Tiuthen's party needed to be drawn away so that orruk and undead could fight for and kill the Twisted Oak.
A plan quickly formed into the daemon's mind. All that was needed was to lure the Sylvaneth noble to a vital node into the Realmroots by threatening it. so it was that the Thief of Wits despatched Ak'glar Xamolomax, a powerful Ogroid Thaumaturge and his coven to the Harrowmark.
Ak'glar's cloven hoof ringed nine times over the gravestones, the discordant sound clear like the most refined language to his Tzaangor servants. They approached two key geomantic nodes, preparing to twist them and wither the Realmroots.
As the Thief of Wits had predicted, the servants of Alarielle emerged from the woods, words of abjuration on their lips.
Ak'glar coordinated the sorcerous fire of the Kairic Acolytes, slowing the advance of the Wild Hunters.
Tiuthen and his personal guard advanced to reclaim one of the nodes taken by the Tzaangor.
Paralax Quiverbloom cast away the charm that kept him and his followers hidden, ready to threaten y a third geomantic node held by a Wildwood Ranger.
Tzaangor blades and Eternal Guard spears clashed, and soon blood was drenching the soil. But Tiuthen did reclaim one og the nodes.
A Branchwych emerged from the shadows, her scythe swinging at Ak'glar.
The wildwood Ranger and the wild Hunters mounted a spirited defense, felling Paralax and helding his Acolytes away from the geomantic node.
Suddenly, a loud moaning sounded near the node where the fighting was raging. Drawn by the blood, the zombies of the Harrowmark had come to feed.
Tiuthen's guard felled another Tzaangor and moved on to reclaim one more node.
Wounded and with control of the field slipping from his hands, Ak'glar gave in to his bestial fury. Soon, all that was left of the Branchwych was just a pile of kindlings.
The Zombies shambled onto the embattled Arcanites and Wanderers, turning the combat into a bloodbath.
Like the expert hunter he was, Tiuthen kept Ak'glar at a distance with his spear. Still, the raging Thaumaturge managed to push close to a node, the changefire erupting from his staff corrupting it to its very core.
The Thief of Wits watched with pleasure as Ak'glar withdrew, leaving Tiuthen with a sense of achievement. Now, drawn closer to Wortbad, his band of ragged survivors would have been drawn in a pointless fight with a Rotmoons' raiding party. Meanwhile, the rest of the orruk pirates and Kalyustar's Cursed Company would have clashed for the Twisted Oak and finally broke it. The Changer of Ways was mighty pleased.
Kalyustar pushed most of his minions forward to follow the spider swarm crawling through the woods. Grellem Vallkern was left behind with the rest, covering the Cursed Company's back from the pursuing Rotmoons.
As the spiders led them into an even darker part of the Harrowmark, Kalyustar could sense a distinctly malevolent strain into the aetheric currents.
"We are getting closer! Soon I'll have the power of the Twisted Oak in my hands!"
'Yes, Soulchemist! But do not lower your guard now! Can you hear this discordant singing, brimming with life energies?'
Kalyustar halted, heading the warning of the Shadeglass Skull. Indeed, there was a singing mixed in with the rustling of leaves, the singing of Alarielle's folk and her aelf followers.
"Thank you, my friend! If the Everqueen's lapdogs think they can stop me now, they're sorely mistaken. Cursed Company, form up for combat! You, Skaven, keep following the spiders!"
Thronir followed Kalyustar's orders, leading a maniple of skeletons to a nearby ruin. He took position on its platform, scanning the woods around the Cursed Company for signs of the enemy.
Through the skeletal aelf's eyes, Kalyustar saw them. A Sylvaneth noble, communing with the soul of one of the many lost travellers of the Harrowmark, and an imposing Stromcast leading a patrol of Wanderers in macabre attires.
The gheist drifted towards Kalyustar, its wailing forming words in the Necromancer's mind. The way is barred! So say Tiuthen of the Fay People, for the Twisted Oak's power is not for you to claim.
With contempt, Kalyustar order the Orruk to deal with the gheist while he and Keinrich advanced to engage the Sylvaneth. His lance darted forward and wounded Kalyustar, which in returned showered the aelf in necrotic bolts.
Having dispatched the gheist, the Orruk turned back, whatever was left of its consciousness sensing the approach of more enemies.
Thronir led the skeletons to face the Wanderers, spears and halberds clashing as the two lines approached.
Meanwhile, the Skaven kept following the spider swarm until they halted and crawled over a dead bush growing at the feet of an imposing, dark barked oak.
Kalyustar knew that was the Twisted Oak and again his mind reached for Grellem Vallkern, calling him and his patrol off from their rearguard duty and giving them a new task.
The Orruk gave a silent warcry as Wild Hunters emerged from the woods. Their deers trampled the skeleton and brought them to where their prince was succumbing to Kalyustar's magic and Keinrich great graveblade. Aelf lances darted for Kalyustar, sending him sprawling to the ground.
Grellem imposed his will on the skeletons, leading them in a forced march to reach and secure the Twisted Oak.
Thronir's party kept the Stormcast and Wanderers away from the Twisted Oak, though some skeletons fell to the aelf blades.
Barely conscious, Kalyustar was still able to puppetteer Keinrich into dragging him away from the mounted aelfs and close to the Twisted Oak.
Thronir and his skeletons kept falling back towards the Twisted Oak, all the while preventing the Stormcast and Wanderers from breaking through to it.
The Wild Hunters pursued Keinrich and felled the Seneschal.
Before they could close upon Kalyustar, Grellem Vallkern stepped in, his blade trailing balefire and dispatching the Wild Hunters' leader.
The Stormcast voice boomed loudly, calling for a retreat. As the Wanderers vanished into the woods, Grellem Vallkern empty eye sockets fell on the Twisted Oak. And then on Kalyustar's unconscious body. His sword's balefire flared more intensely.
'You did well, mighty king!' sounded the Shadeglass Skull's voice. 'The Master is grateful, but remember your place. Your duty is to protect the Soulchemist. But worry not, Grellem Vallkern of the Lux Umbra, your time will come'.
The Wight King nodded, sheathed his blade and looked at the skeletons. They had a ritual to prepare for.